How do you meet people in a new town?


Online winkelen is misschien heel handig en echt geweldig, maar op het moment dat je naar een nieuwe stad verhuist, dan moet je echt proberen om de lokale winkels eens te bezoeken. Je kunt er onderdompeling niet alleen leuke nieuwe spuls voor in je nieuwe huis vinden, maar tevens kunt je een toekomst nemen in je nieuwe woonplaats. "Een ongebruikelijke ongebruikelijke manier om mensen te ontmoeten is door een plaatsing aan plaatsing op je persoonlijke interesses," zegt Wiens. "Ze hebben vaak de kennis over zaken die spelen en kunnen je ook doorverwijzen naar een groep die misschien niet op sociale media actief is van ze kunnen je in contact brengen met iemand met een gemeenschappelijke interesse."

Wanneer het te intimiderend voor je is om te beginnen binnen te stappen, dan kun je besluiten om een ​​heus actieplan op te stellen en dat als uitgangspunt gaan gebruiken. “Maak bijvoorbeeld een lijstje met je top vijf van hobby’s en begin een beetje rond te vragen”, zegt Jess Hopkins, millennial life- en carrièrecoach. “Ben je bijvoorbeeld een liefhebber van lezen? Dan kun je naar een lokale boekwinkel gaan en vragen naar boekenclubs met een open inschrijving. Ben je daaretegen een fanatieke hardloper? Bezoek dan juist een lokale sportwinkel en vraag daar naar hardloopgroepen die in het weekend samen trainen.” Op deze manier steun je dus niet alleen de lokale bedrijven, maar ben je ook bezig om nieuwe contacten te leggen. Kortom: een win-win situatie.

You probably know that table that is present in almost every coffee shop and where you can find the business cards and flyers of the company. Please read these flyers carefully as coffee shops can be great starting points when it comes to getting some general information about groups operating locally,” says Wiercyski. So you never know which flyer will grab your attention and spark interest.

“I always remind my clients that they won't make new friends who do exactly the same things you've done in the past, so think about the things you might enjoy and then try to get to places where you can meet people. who share this newfound interest with you,” says life coach Erica McCurdy. For example, who would have ever thought that you would become the newest member of your city's gardening club?

3. Walking a dog (even if you don't own one)

Dogs are the best way to meet new people. These four-legged friends not only make a lot of people happy, but they can also help you make new friends. “The moment you have a dog (or know someone in your area who is willing to lend you his or her dog for a while) go to a place where many dogs (and therefore their owners) come,” says Wiercyski. “Dogs actually serve as a sort of instant icebreaker, and it's really funny to know that a dog is the best matchmaker (which in itself is a great reason to give this option a try).” If you do not own a dog, but are still looking for a few four-legged friends who want to walk with you through your new hometown, you can of course also sign up as a volunteer at a dog walking service or animal shelter. You will soon meet like-minded dog people.

4. Let the internet plan your next dinner party

Despite the fact that it seems everyone likes to exaggerate about how much millennials spend in front of a screen and how this behavior can ruin friendships, the internet actually turns out to be a great place to increase the chances of finding new friends. “A lot of people forget how technology is also able to make new friendships possible. After all, there are countless apps that can help you in your search,” says DeWall.

Some of these apps, it turns out, are dinner-specific, helping members, for example, find attractive places to dine or explore the diverse cuisines in your new city and interact with the locals. to shove. With other apps everything revolves around the food

5. Connect with a faith group

This option won't appeal to everyone, but connecting with a faith group can help you build a really solid foundation while building your own life in a new place in the meantime. “For a large number of people, religious and spiritual organizations can be an excellent help in finding new friends in a new environment,” says Wiercyski. This is of course due to various reasons, but once you move to a new place, certain traditions can make you feel a little more at home. And the routine of a spiritual or religious community can really provide some comfort during a hectic period (which a move definitely is).

“While it's not exciting, the truth is that most people meet new friends in the places where they spend the most time,” McCurdy says. “It just has something to do with the regularity of seeing the same person every day or every week that will make it easier to start a conversation, connect and let out the bond between them. grow into a real friendship.” In short, the people you connect with in a spiritual group may have become some of your best new friends over time.

6. Find friends through your existing circle of friends

Most of people's friend groups are built around meeting your friends' friends (and that's a process that will never really stop). However, that process can be disrupted once you've made a new place your home.

But luckily, even when you're far away, you can still rely on your existing friends for the support you need. “The best way to get to know people in a new city is to find the friends of people you already know. Tell friends and co-workers if you're planning to move and ask them if they know anyone in the area and if they can introduce them to you,” Jaclyn Schiff, media consultant and digital nomad, says: “Contact Us Connecting with people who are already connected to your social network is a great way to connect a little faster with the social fabric of your new hometown.”

So make a post on your social media (such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) stating that you are "looking for recommendations" and see who appears to be popping up out of nowhere. You may even be surprised to see which people from your social network already live in your new city.

7. Make your exercise a social event

In the hectic pace of your new life, you may sometimes forget that exercise often involves the local community. And a lot of cities have built up entire social networks around that idea.

“I think another overlooked aspect is the recreational competitions or the training sessions. However, you have all your fitness in common with the other participants so starting a conversation will be a lot easier. Of course you can also think about whether you might have something more in common with someone. The next time you come to a workout, ask someone if they come to the workout often, if they would ever like to try a new workout, or what other workouts they can recommend because you're new. are in town,” DeWall says. Or Google “rec league” and your city name and just see what kind of search results you come across. More fun than standing on a treadmill by yourself is almost guaranteed that way.

8. Pick something you really love and go to sleep with it

This idea also embraces the concept of stepping into a local store and making your experience that much better. In other words, it's all about getting really creative with your passions.

“The moment drinking tea is a passion of yours, then that passion for a tea afternoon can go a step further when you attend a high tea in a nice location. For example, the somewhat smaller tea houses often organize special weekend and evening events where people come together to experience their love for tea together. Even the accessories needed to drink tea will open doors for you when it comes to finding new friends with similar interests,” says McCurdy. So just grab a notepad and your calendar and brainstorm all the possible ways you can find people who love the things you love too.

If you find it less attractive to go to a huge number of events, then the internet can again be a useful tool for you. “After all, social media groups, which are mainly focused on a particular city or region, can be a great place to connect with the local population. Often larger groups have so-called "roll call" lists and members will also post where they are from. From this point on, meetings can easily be established from which friendships may grow. Personally, I've met two wonderful people through this method since moving to the other side of the country, and I didn't even have to put a lot of effort into it,” says Wiercyski. So if you're already part of a group for a podcast you love or a charity you care about, you can just go and see if other members already live in the place you're going to move house.

9. Do something that takes you out of your comfort zone

Moving is already incredibly brave, but when you have trouble recognizing that aspect in yourself, you give yourself an extra dose of excitement by trying something that is completely new to you. “For example, you can meet people at any social event that revolves around developing relationships with people,” says DeWall. So you just have to find those places in the place you moved to.

For example, try pole dancing. “After all, pole dance studios are often not too big groups where only women come together who can teach you the tricks of this sport, but can also support you and encourage you as a kind of coach with every step you take during your fitness journey. It's a place where women of all shapes and sizes, colors and backgrounds can come together, build confidence, and celebrate their sexy bodies. So it's a great way to meet new people who you like, but who will also be open-minded and incredibly supportive, both on and off the pole,” said Jada Hudson, founder of Curvy Girls Pole.

If you're feeling a little more inhibited, Sofar Sounds might be a great option, as you will be taken to all kinds of intimate and secret concerts in no fewer than 404 cities around the world. It might seem a little intimidating to go to a private artist concert by yourself, but there will definitely be some cool people there too. Who wouldn't want to be able to say that their friendship started during a secret gig in the living room of a famous person?

All in all, getting out there and actually trying new things will be the key to building your new social network after moving. “The most important way to make an unexpected friendship is to simply say yes to opportunities that come your way, just by voluntarily throwing yourself into new things, exploring possibilities, and most importantly, don't get stuck inside. McCurdy says. “After all, new friendships won't be presented on a silver platter if you don't go to new places, so whenever the opportunity arises to do something new, go for it.” After all, you have already taken a huge step by reading this article, so the next step will be less difficult for you (you just have to dare to take it).
